Sexual Assault Services of Saskatchewan – Illustration Contest
Making a ChangeSexual Assault Services of Saskatchewan is holding a contest to develop artwork for our Saskatchewan Sexual Violence Education (SSVE) Initiative. We are seeking artwork for the cover of our new educational modules.
The SSVE Initiative
Grounded upon evidence-based community research, the SSVE initiative developed a sexual violence educational framework that encompasses a suite of age appropriate and culturally responsive, tailored workshops. Each workshop aims to embody equity, diversity, inclusion and decolonization (EDID) principles in content and delivery modes. Topics include: consent, healthy relationships, online safety, land based healing, etc.
● $500
The winning artist can proudly say that they are directly supporting ending sexual violence in Saskatchewan. There is also the potential for further commissioned work from SASS, as well as provincial and national art exposure.
ENTRY DEADLINE: October 13, 2023
- Canadian citizens and landed immigrants are eligible to participate in the art competition aged 18 and over.
- SASS Employees and members of the board of directors are ineligible to submit an entry.
- Artists must submit only one (1) original entry.
- Entries must be an original submission. Any medium can be submitted as long as the final submission is digital art that can be prepared for print. It must be in black and white with portrait orientation and sized to 8.5 x 11 inches.
- Art depicting what Saskatchewan means to the artist, with preference for welcoming, anticolonial, original images that avoid Saskatchewan-based stereotypes.
- Submissions must be a high resolution PDF, with accompanying source files upon winning.
- The cover submission must fit within the look and feel of the SASS SSVE brand. It must also include elements that can be used within the educational booklets created for SSVE programming.
- All entries become property of SASS.
Judging criteria includes:
- Artistic composition;
- Originality;
- Incorporation of SASS, SSVE brand, and
- Technical suitability for reproduction online and in print
See here for the SSVE brand and original artwork for look and feel.
Entries should be sent to kerrie@sassk.ca