We seek to encourage a better understanding of sexual violence by shining a light on the societal attitudes and beliefs that prevent individuals, families, and communities from living free from threat, fear, or experience of sexual violence.
Sexual Violence in Saskatchewan: Voices, Stories, Insights and Actions from The Front Lines Research Report
Sexual Violence in Saskatchewan: Voices, Stories, Insights, and Actions from the Front Lines is a research report that captures a comprehensive understanding of sexual violence in Saskatchewan through an examination of sexual violence experiences and the existing strengths and gaps in service provision.
The findings of this report informed the development of Working Together, Saskatchewan’s first five-year Sexual Violence Action Plan. The Action Plan is a guide to help us move forward towards ending sexual violence in Saskatchewan.
To learn more about the research report, click here.
Saskatchewan Sexual Violence Education Initiative
This initiative is designed to prevent and address sexual violence and the gendered-impacts of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan through an evidence-based, trauma-informed, and intersectional sexual violence education program(s) supported by a provincial framework for sustainability including diverse platforms for information dissemination, resource sharing and skill-building.